Megastek - GPS trackers
Ulus Elektronik

Megastek Technologies Ltd., was established in 2002 , have been devoting in GPS tracking industries and is recognized as a reputable and reliable manufacturer for GPS tracking device and solution . We have our in-house hardware, firmware, web platform and mobile Apps engineer teams on the product designs and application implementation.
Over than 20 different product items are covering the personal tracker, vehicle tracker, pet tracker, parolee tracker and telemedicine health monitoring.
With many years in depth R&D works and project implementation, we are in the leading level of the GPS, mobile telecommunication, GIS and network technologies.
We are also proud to fulfill the relevant industries on their OEM and ODM design requirement. Our customer is widely spread over the world with the private and government cooperation.
2,002 Established
20+ years of experience
Ulus Elektronik

Ulus Elektronik has a professional management team that uses customer oriented, contemporary management techniques efficiently and has operational processes aimed at perfection in the world scale. Product range is increasing every day according to customer demands and needs.
Company (QMS) adopts ISO9001: 2015 Quality Management System and (EMS) ISO14001: 2015 Environmental Management System philosophy. Considering the competitive elements with today's technology, employ qualified personnel, quality materials, suitable machines to respond to customer requests.
In this direction, company is constantly renewing itself. At present, company is able to respond to every request of our customers.
Company has adopted the principle of a quality management system that organizes all the activities that affect its quality in order to reflect its understanding of quality to its production and to its customers at the highest level. Company chose as a model ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System and ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Standards.
The purpose of choosing this system ensures the production of quality products and services of Ulus Elektronik Tic.Ltd.Şti with the awareness of continuous customer satisfaction.
19+ years of experience
Our Vision
- Adopting a customer- oriented, strategic and systematic management approach.
- Believing in the importance of empowerment, direct and open communication, personal talents, and creating a suitable business environment.
- To be the preffered partner in the market without compromising on business ethics , honesty and quality in line with our base values.
- Investigate technological developments and determine the necesserary changes quickly.
- To prepare the necessary infrastructure and to present them to market in a plan in accordance with the results and experiences obtained from technology production.
- By manufacturing very qualified values for the domestic and foreign markets we serve; have a creative, innovative and dynamic organization, to be an environmentally friendly company considering environmental risks.
Our Mission
To be an international company with innovative and creative communication solution, to be preferred primarily for domestic and foreign markets with its high-quality R & D desing by using advanced technology.
ULUS ELEKTRONİK has established its own R&D department since 2010 and increased its product range and customer portfolio every year.
Ulus Elektronik Gebze Factory
Since March 2017, it has moved to its new building, which has its own 4.500 m2 closed area in Kocaeli - Çayırova, continues its activities here, and combines over 30 years of experience in winding circuit elements in the electronics industry with printed circuit boards typesetting and tests, and wiring turnkey delivery to its customers. continues to work to produce solutions.
Electronic card production (PCBA)
With the transition to the new production facility in 2017, ULUS ELEKTRONİK has added electronic card production to its skills. In electronic card production processes, automatic typesetting lines are available to use the latest technology typesetting and testing devices, and these typesetting lines serve with a capacity of 120,000 Component / hour.
Cable Grouping and Electromechanical Assembly
This standard aims for materials, methods, tests and acceptability criteria for crimping, mechanically protected or soldered joints and assembly work related to cabling tools. In order to create an industry with a standard, an advanced, recognized, approved, traceable and targeting production is aimed. It shapes its production with a structure that teaches, teaches and educates the necessary methods and techniques for researching, finding and applying the criteria in a document for production in the targeted class or classes. Thanks to its card and cable production line, it provides the products from here to be shipped to the customer from a single source and it is delivered to the customer on a turn-key basis. It responds to all kinds of process flows and documentation requirements.